Work in progress

Work in progress
Works, development and other distractions.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Recently some friends over at The Black Sun & Garagehammer asked for some help with a lark; "International Manticore Club".
They needed a design and something fun.

I needed to knock the dust off my coloring and try new things. Win win.
Below is the finished WITH lettering.

Here is the manticore w/o lettering

....and with doodles.

Monday, October 14, 2013

To catch a scoundrel

(and nerf herder)

Finally getting comfortable with Photoshop coloring. Not great, but some I'm looking forward to seeing how the upcoming "SUPER RAPTOR TRUCK THUNDER" goes.


not pictured; scoundrel in carbonite

energies and checklist

It's been a while since I've really turned out some work. New job (with 2+ hour commute) and life taking some energy away.

Now that I've got a handle on the job, I can devote some of that to works!
Now that I've got a plethora of unwanted energy, I can focus that too! (theoretically)

Before I post a few images here, I wanted to create a checklist of things that I've wanted to do /haven't gotten to in a while. My GOAL is to finish these in a month. Just tackle them head on and see what I got.

  • Finish the "my first....monsters" book. (title later)
  • Laika one-off comic
  • "Epic D&D Party" image
  • "crowns of westeros" 
  • more comic stuff.
  • finish whiskey
I call this list/operation: OPERATION "SUPER RAPTOR TRUCK THUNDER"

So, there's my list. I'll post as I get 'er dun'.

Now, here's some new work!

sneak peak at cover of the pitch!

there's a story behind this one.
i swear.

...far far away.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Character development pt 3

Rounding the corner on a project and finished the last of the character presentations

As you can see they're for a 'high fantasy' project.

With this last one, I feel like I rounded a corner on coloring. By no means is it professional, but this one feels the most complete to me.